Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Writing Exercise #3: Separating Heart From Dark

Closing in on a dark mind I reach for the heart - bleeding oil and soot - drying skin and eyes to numbness that it can no longer feel.
Feelings packed in hidden closets tight and away.
Emptiness holding me in a languid, firm grip.
Fighting for joy, sorrow, anger or grief,
I call my name,
Hoping to stir a wave or ripple within.
Nothing moves, or signals.
Nothing sings or plays.
No one enthuses the virtues or stomps on the flaws of anyone.
There is no flame.
Nothing flickers.
Just the wind sends its own natural wave and whistle,
Grazing by like a friendly neighbour.
No one inside reacts.
No sound or response,
Just frozen body parts still intact,
Much like a dysfunctional family ready to cut tension with a knife,
But frozen and intact, expecting separation to become them,
And unlock the ice separating heart from the darkness that cloaks the body.

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